As a corporate rowing client, your team will learn how to work together in a very unique way, both on and off the water. Our corporate rowing program illustrates the importance of team work and builds confidence, camaraderie, and morale. Additionally, it can be a great addition (or start) to your workplace wellness program.
Great Salt Lake Rowing will customize a corporate rowing program to fit your needs and timeframe. For more information and to discuss potential options for developing a corporate rowing event tailored to meet your team building needs, contact Irene Lysenko at
Package Options
The Race
Rowing Lecture
À la carte options
There is no need for special attire for rowing. It is recommended that shorts or sweats be relatively snug fitting as loose material easily catches in the rowing seat wheels. Bicycle shorts or tights are ideal. Any running shoes or sneakers will be fine. Bring water bottles, hats and sunscreen!
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